Coach Drop-Off and Pick-Up

The Centre allows for coaches and buses to drop-off / pick-up at the main convention driveway (located next to The Big Picture screen).

Organisers should note that a maximum of 2 coaches are permitted at the driveway at any one time. The maximum waiting period is 5 minutes. In order to avoid exceeding the permitted waiting period, the Centre recommends that guests should be waiting and ready for pick-up prior to the coach / bus arrival.

Vehicles exceeding the permitted waiting period of 5 minutes will be requested to leave the driveway.

For multiple coach drop-off / pick-ups, the Centre would advise Organisers to share the scheduling with your 
Suntec Point of Contact in advance for clearance.

Organisers are advised that the Centre does not have dedicated parking bays for coaches / buses. The closest public bay is located at the F1 Pit Building.

For more information on transport and access options, click 

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