Special Dietary Options - Low Fibre / Bland Meal

These menus are suitable for: 

  • Low fibre diet
  • Bland diet
  • Gluten-free diet
  • Soy-free diet
  • Seafood-free diet

This meal is available for guests who suffer from gastric discomfort. Menus contain low-fat food items, non-spicy, low sodium and low dietary fibre ingredients.

Menus in this series contain lean meats, cooked vegetables, fruit such as watermelon, low-seasoned food and dairy products.

These menus exclude the use of garlic, onions, cabbage and cauliflower, capsicum, spices (such as black pepper or chilli, raw and dried fruits and nuts, citrus fruits, whole grains, raw vegetables, highly seasoned meats, pickles and excess sugar.

Menus do not contain wheat, gluten or soy. These menus do not contain whole nuts but may contain nut traces.

Simply head over to our Suntec Singapore Marketplace to place your order.

To view all Special Dietary Options, please click here.

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